Sunday, July 6, 2014

Country Roads... Take Me Home

Amelia and I just spent 2 weeks in good old West Virginia visiting my family and meeting so many people who were so instrumental in my upbringing. I was glad that I got to take her and introduce her to so many people, not that she will remember, but I will.

Amanda and her 2 boys were also able to go out, so the Schirtzingers had all TEN, yes TEN grandkids together. Ok, so they were actually only together 3 days total of the 2 weeks since Emma went to Girl's Camp, and Nick went to Scout camp. But still, TEN grandkids! 

Ben is 5 and he absolutely adored Amelia. He loves babies. Every time he would come over or we would go to his house, he would immediately drop what he was doing, run to the bathroom to wash his hands, then he would proudly announce that he had washed his hands and he would shove them in my face and say, "See? Smell!" It was adorable, he constantly wanted to hold her, give her her bottle, was sharing his own toys, was disappointed when she wasn't interested in his toys, he was such a good little helper. One day, he picked a tiny flower and put it behind Amelia's ear and said, "Look Katie, Amelia looks like a beautiful little angel!" So sweet! 

We got to see my grandparents and spend a little time with them. Amelia loved Great-Grandpa! She smiled and cooed and wiggled like crazy when he would talk to her!

 We also got to see my "birthday twin", President Heywood. I love this man and was so happy that he got to meet and hold Amelia.

And what's a vacation without a trip to the ER? I woke up one morning with abdominal cramps and nausea, and I didn't think too much of it. I took a shower, and by the end of my shower I was in so much pain I couldn't even stand up. Turns out I had a kidney stone. I am my father's daughter I suppose. Luckily, I was able to pass them, so the whole ordeal lasted about 24 hours. But, I had a MASSIVE headache from all the painkillers. Don't do drugs kids.
My mom said that morphine was my best friend.
And just a few more pictures... 
Millie Mae loves the water!

Cousin Liam

Such squishable cheeks!

Cousin Sophie and Papa
We sure do love those West Virginia hills!